Tuesday, September 7, 2010

A peach/ looks good/with lots of fuzz/but a man's no peach/and never was

I am obsessed with Mad Men. Each episode is a slice of perfection, as only HBO knows how to achieve.

It's a wonder how the Mad Men ever got anything done with the endless boozy breakfast meetings and sucking of cigarettes;c at calling the typing pool and conducting numerous extra-matrital affairs; fearing of the cold war, the soviets and "the bomb".

But the real life Mad men were smart and surprising poetic as evident in the Burma-Shave advertising campaign -

Countless witty advertising jingles dotted the highways of America from 1926 to the late 1960s.

Alvin Richard; Bel Air in Monterey (15 x 11'', 2009, acrylic on gessoed hardboard)

Get your culture jam on by reading some of these catchy (kinda) clerihews:

The Highway Beautification Act 1965 stopped the company from erecting new slogans, the subsequent lack of exposure lead to the loss of sales and the demise of an American icon. The Burma-Shave company eventually became the property of the American Safety Razor Company.

Not to be outdone by the ad's of the past - these contemporary Billboards are a visual feast.

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