Sunday, October 24, 2010

s'more weekends away please!

Was it Colonel Mustard, by the fireplace, with the marshmellowing stick?

I’ve just come back from a s’wonderful weekend away in the Blue Mountains with three of funniest girls I know.

Truth be told they would easily rival the Three Sisters for entertainment value.

Unfortunately I left my camera behind (blast! bugger! Bollocks!) so I’ll have to paint some lovely word pictures to remember the weekend.

As the train trundled up the steep mountainous terrain, a sense of tranquillity that only weekends away and exceedingly high altitudes, enveloped us. Well-kempt flowerbeds in flamboyantly camp colours, dotted station platforms, replaced the grit and the grime of the city.

Stepping off at Mount Victoria, the crisp air was deliciously seasoned with smoky chimneys and the pepperings of possibilities.

Unfortunately our attempts to re-enact “Tomorrow When the War began” were curtailed by storm clouds. The battleground was relocated to the log cabin’s living room.

Huddled under mohair rugs and toes toasting by the fireplace, murder was on the cards.

What could be satisfying than Cleudo? Maybe a second round of Cluedo with cheese, Maggie Beer’s fig & fennel paste, olive bread, white wine and s’mores.

The weekend away has rekindled my love for broad games, so i did a quick wiki search to see what other games are out there to rival Cluedo.

Of course as time marches on all mediums of entertainment have become bigger and better to hold sway over the general public (why oh why are there SO many 3D films?).

Apparently this includes the average broadgame playing family. Deducing a murder mystery sounds positively tame in comparison to – PANDEMIC! Winner of 2009 family broad game of the year

four disease have broken out in the world, each threatening to wipe out a region.”

Instead of slipping into the sexy guise of femme fatale Miss Scarlett or pandering around fuddy-duddy Professor Plum, you apparently have the choice of being any five possible specialists: dispatcher, medic, scientist, researcher or operations expert.

Pardon the pun but Pandemic doesn't sound like it cuts the mustard.

I shouldn’t bag out Pandemic, as Articulate (in which you have describe words to team mates without using the word) sounds like a craptacular way to past time. Oh no sir. Articulate can convert any would-be broad game hater (testify Rosie!)

What else besides fermented grapes or heavily yeasted hops can get a group of otherwise highly educated ladies slurring words, skewing logic and screaming out nonsense, with a steely edge of competiveness? Best broad game ever!

Besides broad games the weekend also included a spot of antiquing, brunching, reading, lunching, strolling, souping, book browsing, hot chocolating, watching The Nanny, marshmellow toasting and Ga Ga Ga-ing to Glee.

(Note: the days revolved around the impending excitement of mealtimes)

Yay for the weekend!

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